Earth News This Week

Friday, September 14, 2007

Khetri Cu-deposit

The Khetri Copper Belt, Rajasthan: Iron Oxide Copper-Gold Terrane in the Proterozoic of NW India

Joe Knight, Jon Lowe, BHP Billiton Exploration, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, Sojen Joy, John Cameron, James Merrillees, Sudipta Nag, Nalin Shah, Gaurav Dua & Khamalendra Jhala, BHP Billiton Minerals India, New Delhi, India.

in - Porter, T.M. (Ed), 2002 - Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold & Related Deposits: A Global Perspective, volume 2; PGC Publishing, Adelaide, pp 321-341.


The Khetri, Alwar and Lalsot-Khankhera Copper Belts contain widespread Cu±Au±Ag±Co±Fe±REE±U mineralization over a 150 km by 150 km area of Rajasthan and Haryana, NW India. Mineralization is hosted by the mid-Proterozoic Delhi Supergroup, which comprises shallow-water, locally evaporitic, sedimentary rocks, with lesser mafic and felsic volcanic rocks. These rocks have been metamorphosed to the low- to mid-amphibolite facies, deformed into NE-SW striking, doubly-plunging folds, and intruded by numerous 1.5-1.7 Ga syntectonic granitoids and 0.75-0.85 Ga post-tectonic granitoids. Post-tectonic granitoids range from tonalite to syenite, contain hornblende and biotite as the dominant mafic minerals and magnetite, titanite, allanite, apatite, fluorite as accessory phases, and are geochemically characterized by A/CNK ratios <1.1,>The largest deposits in the Khetri Copper Belt are at Khetri (140 Mt @ 1.1-1.7% Cu, 0.5 g/t Au), where mineralization extends over a >10 km strike-length, is hosted by garnet-chlorite schists, andalusite- and graphite-bearing biotite schists, and feldspathic quartzites, and is sited in sub-vertical NE- and NW-striking shear zones. Mineralization forms sub-vertical lens, comprising stockworks of massive to vein-hosted chalcopyrite - pyrite - pyrrhotite, which are broadly foliation-parallel but also cross-cut bedding and peak-metamorphic fabrics. Gold, Ag, Co, LREE, Mo, S, U and W are variably co-enriched with Cu. Alteration at Khetri comprises amphibole (hornblende, actinolite, cummingtonite, anthophyllite) - albite - quartz - biotite - scapolite - chlorite - carbonate, with magnetite and haematite as dominant oxide phases.

Directly to the east of Khetri, a 50 km wide by > 100 km zone of calc silicate and albite-haematite alteration overprints and cross-cuts metamorphic fabrics. Calc silicate alteration comprises coarse-grained clinopyroxene - hornblende - epidote - apatite - scapolite - titanite - magnetite, whereas albite - haematite alteration comprises assemblages of albite - amphibole - haematite - magnetite - calcite, with variable K-feldspar, biotite, epidote, scapolite, titanite, apatite and fluorite, and locally abundant pyrite and chalcopyrite. Albite-haematite alteration is spatially related to vein systems and breccias, which commonly contain Cu-Au mineralization, massive magnetite-haematite vein-deposits, fluorite mineralization and rare uraninite deposits. Calc silicate alteration occurs on the margins of the Khetri Copper Belt, whereas albite-haematite alteration forms a central core to the Belt and locally overprints calc-silicate assemblages. A SHRIMP U-Pb titanite age in the assemblage albite - haematite - amphibole - calcite - titanite constrains the timing of regional alteration to 847±8 Ma. This overlaps the fission-track ages of garnet from ore assemblages at Madhan-Kudhan Cu mine at Khetri (897±125 Ma).

There is a variation in the sulfide-oxide mineralogy of Cu deposits across the >100 km wide Khetri Copper Belt, with four dominant types recognized: (1) chalcopyrite-pyrite-pyrrhotite ores hosted by graphitic schists at Akwali, in the west, (2) chalcopyrite - pyrite - pyrrhotite - magnetite - haematite ores at Khetri and Kho Dariba, in the east, (3) magnetite - haematite - chalcopyrite - pyrite ores hosted by albite-haematite alteration, in the central part of the Khetri Copper Belt, and (4) haematite - chalcopyrite - baryte ores in the eastern part of the Belt. Types (1) and (2) are hosted by mainly reduced rock types and can be classified as iron sulfide Cu-Au deposits, whereas types (3) and (4) are iron oxide Cu-Au deposits hosted by oxidized rocks. Copper mineralization in the Khetri Copper Belt is epigenetic, broadly synchronous with late (0.75-0.85 Ga) A-type granitoid emplacement, and has a mineralization and structural style, and regional- and deposit-scale alteration assemblages comparable to known IOCG and iron-sulfide Cu-Au mineralized districts.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Italian Poem

An Italian Poem of the 13th Century

By Cecco Angiolieri a poet who lived in Siena, Italy in the XIII and XIV centuries:

S' i' fosse foco, arderei 'l mondo;
s' i' fosse vento, lo tempesterei;
s' i' fosse acqua, i' l'annegherei,
s' i' fosse Dio, mandereil' en profondo;
s' i' fosse papa, sare' allor giocondo,
ché tutt' i cristiani imbrigherei;
s' i' fosse 'mperator, sa' che farei?
a tutti mozzerei lo capo a tondo.
S' i' fosse morte, andarei da mio padre;
s' i' fosse vita, fuggirei da lui:
similmente farìa da mi' madre.
S' i' fosse Cecco, com' i' sono e fui,
torrei le donne giovani e leggiadre,
e vecchie e laide lasserei altrui.


If I was fire I would burn up the world;
If I was wind, I would blow it apart;
If I was water, I would drown it,
If I was God I would throw it into the pit,
If I was the pope I would be doing fine
And cut off all the Christians’ nuts;
If I was Empereor, what would I do?
I would cut off everyone’s heads with one blow.
If I was death, I would embrace my father;
If I was life, I would run away from him:
Likewise with my mother.
If I was Cecco, as I am and always have been,
I would take all the young and good-looking women
And leave the ugly ones for everyone else.

Another translation

If I was fire, I’d burn the world,
if I was wind, I’d storm it,
if I was water, I’d flood it,
if I was God, I’d send it in the deep Hell.
If I was Pope, then I’d be happy, because all Christians I’d cheat,
if I was Emperor, do you know what I’d do, I would cut the heads to everybody.
If I was Death, I’d go to my father,
if I was Life, I’d get out of him, the same I’d do with my mother.
If I was Cecco, like I am and have been,
I’d keep the young and beautiful women with me
while the old and dirty I’d leave to the others.