Earth News This Week

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Geology departments in JGSI this month

The March 2008 issue of JGSI is out and the following departments find a place in the issue, with contributions by their scientists.

1. IIT Roorkee -- Dept of Earth Sciences

2. AMD -- Nagpur

3. AMD -- Hyderabad

4. WIHG -- NE Unit -- Itanagar

5. WIHG -- Dehradun

6. Anna University -- Dept of Geology

7. MS University -- Baroda

8. GSI -- Palaeontology Divn -- Lucknow

9. GSI -- Landslide Hazards Studies -- Lucknow

"Micro-zonation of landslide hazard in the environs of Baira Dam Project, Chamba Dt, Himachal Pradesh"

What the author says ...

Read this doc on Scribd: vksharma

A short profile of the author

Read this doc on Scribd: vksharma bkgrd
V.K.SHARMA, Geologist Sr in the Geological Survey of India [Project : Landslide Hazard Studies], Northern Region, Sec E, Aliganj, Lucknow ( did his Bachelor of Science in Geology at the Meerut University, Meerut, India in 1975. He obtained his Masters in Applied Geology from the erstwhile University of Roorkee (now IIT-Roorkee), India in 1977. His areas of specialization are Engineering Geology, Landslide Investigation, Landslide hazard zoning, Macro seismic investigations and geo-environment impact studies of major civil structures. He has during the last 27 years accomplished various assignments dealing with geotechnical studies of dams, communications projects, urban centers, natural hazard studies and geo-environmental impact assessment of water resource development projects etc. essentially in the Himalayan terrain. He has contributed over 65 technical papers in various national and international journals/seminars symposia/workshops besides over 40 technical reports dealing with engineering geology and natural hazards

10. GSI -- Marine Wing -- Kolkata

11. GSI -- Central Reg -- Pune

12. GSI -- Bhubaneshwar

13. BSIP -- Lucknow

14. NGRI -- Hyderabad

15. IMD -- New Delhi

16. Periyar University, Salem -- Dept of Geology

17. DST -- New Delhi